
Journal Publications

    Experimental evaluation of the durability of glass Textile-Reinforced Concrete S Paul, R Gettu, DN Arnepalli, R Samanthula Construction and Building Materials 406, 133390 Workability Assessment of Pumpable Structural-Grade Heavy-Weight Concrete Using Novel Coaxial Cylinder Method V Venkitasamy, M Santhanam, BPC Rao Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (7), 04023197 Development of waterless extra-terrestrial concrete using Martian regolith K Snehal, P Sinha, P Chaunsali Advances in Space Research /**/
Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Manufacturing in India–Prospects and Prognosis of Environmental Impacts. A Sharma, AS Basavaraj, P Chaunsali, R Gettu ACI Materials Journal 120
Early-age shrinkage assessment of cementitious materials: A critical review DS Kurup, MK Mohan, K Van Tittelboom, G De Schutter, M Santhanam, … Cement and Concrete Composites, 105343
Reactivity Assessment of Indian Biomass Ashes for Their Utilization in Alternative Cementitious Binders N Manimaran, M Santhanam, P Chaunsali NanoWorld J 9 (S2), S35-S39
Engineering the Tensile Response of Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete for Thin Elements S Paul, R Gettu Sustainability 15 (19), 14502
Input parameters and nomograms for service life-based design of reinforced concrete structures exposed to chlorides S Rengaraju, RG Pillai, R Gettu Structures 56, 104847
Limestone-Calcined Clay (LC2) as a supplementary cementitious material for concrete AS Basavaraj, H Muni, Y Dhandapani, R Gettu, M Santhanam RILEM Technical Letters 8, 12-22
Long-Term Natural Carbonation in Concretes with Fly Ash and Limestone Calcined Clay Systems S Rathnarajan, U Hule, RG Pillai, R Gettu International RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards …
High-performance cementitious grouts for post-tensioned concrete systems–Performance specifications and prototype testing MK Mohan, S Manohar, RG Pillai, M Santhanam, R Gettu Construction and Building Materials 368, 130345
Limestone-Calcined Clay (LC2) as a supplementary cementitious material for concrete AS Basavaraj, H Muni, Y Dhandapani, R Gettu, M Santhanam RILEM Technical Letters 8, 12-22
Multiscale Fire Damage Assessment of Historical Stone Trabeated Hypostyle Halls S Manohar, K Bala, S Shukla, KM Haneefa, M Santhanam, A Menon International Journal of Architectural Heritage 17 (6), 892-914
Developing 3D printable and buildable limestone calcined clay-based cement composites with higher aggregate content S Bhattacherjee, S Jain, M Santhanam Construction and Building Materials 376, 131058
Quantification of volume change of AAC blocks for various environmental conditions R Sudhakar, B Balakrishnan, M Santhanam, H Santhanam Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 1-13
Engineering interfacial strength of polymer coated hydrating cement paste by tuning calcium characteristics P Gujar, N Murali, NK Ilango, M Santhanam, P Ghosh Materials and Structures 56 (3), 65
On the correlations between different chloride transport parameters and their role in service life estimation Y Dhandapani, M Santhanam Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8 (2), 240-255
High-performance cementitious grouts for post-tensioned concrete systems–Performance specifications and prototype testing MK Mohan, S Manohar, RG Pillai, M Santhanam, R Gettu Construction and Building Materials 368, 130345
Input parameters and nomograms for service life-based design of reinforced concrete structures exposed to chlorides S Rengaraju, RG Pillai, R Gettu Structures 56, 104847
Development of the Galvanic Anode Performance Test for Assessing the Longevity of Galvanic Anodes for Reinforced Concrete Structures DK Kamde, RG Pillai Corrosion 79 (9), 1092-1105
Long-Term Natural Carbonation in Concretes with Fly Ash and Limestone Calcined Clay Systems S Rathnarajan, U Hule, RG Pillai, R Gettu International RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards …
Special Issue on a vision for corrosion-resistant and resilient reinforced concrete systems: An introduction D Trejo, R Pillai Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8 (2), 143-144
Performance indicators and specifications for fusion-bonded-epoxy (FBE)-coated steel rebars in concrete exposed to chlorides DK Kamde, M Zintel, S Kessler, RG Pillai Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8 (2), 265-283
High-performance cementitious grouts for post-tensioned concrete systems–Performance specifications and prototype testing MK Mohan, S Manohar, RG Pillai, M Santhanam, R Gettu Construction and Building Materials 368, 130345
Mechanical characteristics of Quenched and Self-Tempered (QST or TMT) steel reinforcing bars used in concrete structures SAO Nair, P Mohandoss, K Ram, T Adnan, RG Pillai Construction and Building Materials 363, 129761
Galvanic corrosion and cathodic protection of re-grouted, post-tensioned (PTd) concrete systems K Manickam, RG Pillai MATEC Web of Conferences 378, 07002
Biogenic acid resistance of calcium sulfoaluminate cement: Revelations from a field study T Damion, P Chaunsali Cement and Concrete Composites 145, 105324
Effect of gypsum addition on acid resistance of Ye’elimite rich calcium sulfoaluminate cement T Damion, P Chaunsali Cement and Concrete Composites, 105335
Reactivity Assessment of Indian Biomass Ashes for Their Utilization in Alternative Cementitious Binders N Manimaran, M Santhanam, P Chaunsali NanoWorld J 9 (S2), S35-S39
Influence of iron content on processing conditions and early age hydration of ye’elimite B Thaivalappil, P Chaunsali Materials Today: Proceedings
Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Manufacturing in India–Prospects and Prognosis of Environmental Impacts. A Sharma, AS Basavaraj, P Chaunsali, R Gettu ACI Materials Journal 120 (1)
Advances in hydration and thermodynamics of cementitious systems KL Scrivener, T Matschei, F Georget, P Juilland, AK Mohamed Cement and Concrete Research 174, 107332
Atomic-Level and Surface Structure of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanofoils Z Casar, AK Mohamed, P Bowen, K Scrivener The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (37), 18652-18661
A system dynamics model for effective management strategies of High-Speed Railway (HSR) projects involving private sector participation N Bugalia, Y Maemura, R Dasari, M Patidar Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 175 ( …
A pre-trained language model-based framework for deduplication of construction safety newspaper articles A Nevatia, S Saha, SB Bhagavatula, N Bugalia 40th ISARC, Chennai, India, 387-394
Automatic classification of construction safety reports using semi-supervised YAKE-Guided LDA approach H Gadekar, N Bugalia Advanced Engineering Informatics 56, 101929
An analysis of safety practices for small, medium, and large construction projects: A resilience engineering perspective K Bhattacharjee, N Bugalia, A Mahalingam Safety Science 169, 106330
Identifying and Analysing the Root Causes of Quality Non-Conformance in Construction Project Baseline Schedules P Srinath, K Varghese Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A 104 (2), 397-416
Learning GIS using Open Source Soft-ware: An Applied Guide for Geo-spatial K Varghese CURRENT SCIENCE 124 (6), 763
Comparative investigation of laboratory and field compaction techniques for designing roller compacted concrete pavements (RCCP) M Selvam, S Singh International Journal of Pavement Engineering 24 (1), 2177850
Influence of Compaction Methods on the Optimum Moisture Content and Performance of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements M Selvam, S Singh Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (7), 04023176
Optimization of Slurry Impregnation Technique for Upcycling Carbonated Recycled Concrete Aggregates for Paving Concrete Applications M Kosuri, S Singh, BB Bhardwaj Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (5), 04023053
Assessing the effect of different compaction mechanisms on the internal structure of roller compacted concrete M Selvam, N Kalyan, KR Kannan, S Singh Construction and Building Materials 365, 130072
Enhancing the Performance of Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavement by Synergetic Improvement of Packing Density, Lubrication, and Moisture State of Recycled Concrete Aggregate M Selvam, S Singh, AG Anjana Transportation Research Record, 03611981221149427
Industrial and Agro-Based Wastes as Alternative Binders in Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements: A Comprehensive Review M Selvam, S Debbarma, S Singh International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Projects …
Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Manufacturing in India–Prospects and Prognosis of Environmental Impacts.A Sharma, AS Basavaraj, P Chaunsali, R GettuACI Materials Journal 120 (1)
 DS Kurup, MK Mohan, K Van Tittelboom, G De Schutter, M Santhanam, …Cement and Concrete Composites, 105343
Early-age shrinkage assessment of cementitious materials: A critical reviewN Manimaran, M Santhanam, P ChaunsaliNanoWorld J 9 (S2), S35-S39
Reactivity Assessment of Indian Biomass Ashes for Their Utilization in Alternative Cementitious BindersS Paul, R Gettu, DN Arnepalli, R SamanthulaConstruction and Building Materials 406, 133390
 S Paul, R GettuSustainability 15 (19), 14502
Experimental evaluation of the durability of glass Textile-Reinforced ConcreteS Rengaraju, RG Pillai, R GettuStructures 56, 104847
Engineering the Tensile Response of Glass Textile Reinforced Concrete for Thin ElementsAS Basavaraj, H Muni, Y Dhandapani, R Gettu, M SanthanamRILEM Technical Letters 8, 12-22
Input parameters and nomograms for service life-based design of reinforced concrete structures exposed to chloridesSJ STEPHEN, R GETTU, RL ZERBINOINDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL
Limestone-Calcined Clay (LC2) as a supplementary cementitious material for concreteS Rathnarajan, U Hule, RG Pillai, R GettuInternational RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards …
DEVELOPMENT OF STRUCTURAL FORMS USING TEXTILE REINFORCED CONCRETEMK Mohan, S Manohar, RG Pillai, M Santhanam, R GettuConstruction and Building Materials 368, 130345
Long-Term Natural Carbonation in Concretes with Fly Ash and Limestone Calcined Clay SystemsM SANTHANAM, S JAIN, S BHATTACHERJEEINDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL
High-performance cementitious grouts for post-tensioned concrete systems–Performance specifications and prototype testingAS Basavaraj, H Muni, Y Dhandapani, R Gettu, M SanthanamRILEM Technical Letters 8, 12-22
 V Venkitasamy, M Santhanam, BPC RaoJournal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (7), 04023197
VERSATILE CONCRETE WITH LIMESTONE CALCINED CLAY CEMENTS Manohar, K Bala, S Shukla, KM Haneefa, M Santhanam, A MenonInternational Journal of Architectural Heritage 17 (6), 892-914
Limestone-Calcined Clay (LC2) as a supplementary cementitious material for concreteS Bhattacherjee, S Jain, M SanthanamConstruction and Building Materials 376, 131058
Workability Assessment of Pumpable Structural-Grade Heavy-Weight Concrete Using Novel Coaxial Cylinder MethodR Sudhakar, B Balakrishnan, M Santhanam, H SanthanamJournal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 1-13
Multiscale Fire Damage Assessment of Historical Stone Trabeated Hypostyle HallsP Gujar, N Murali, NK Ilango, M Santhanam, P GhoshMaterials and Structures 56 (3), 65
Developing 3D printable and buildable limestone calcined clay-based cement composites with higher aggregate contentY Dhandapani, M SanthanamSustainable and Resilient Infrastructure 8 (2), 240-255
Quantification of volume change of AAC blocks for various environmental conditionsMK Mohan, S Manohar, RG Pillai, M Santhanam, R Gettu

Construction and Building Materials 368, 130345

Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Manufacturing in India-Prospects and Prognosis of Environmental Impacts. ACI Materials Journal, 2023, 120(1), pp.17-28

Influence of calcium hydroxide and calcium sulfate on early-age properties of non-expansive calcium sulfoaluminate belite cement. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, p.104444.

Sulfuric acid and citric acid attack of calcium sulfoaluminate-based binders. Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, p.104524.

Evaluating acid resistance of Portland cement, calcium aluminate cement, and calcium sulfoaluminate based cement using acid neutralisation. "Cement and Concrete Research, 2022, 162, p.107000."

Carbonation Model for Concretes with Fly Ash, Slag, and Limestone Calcined Clay – Using Accelerated and Five – Year Natural Exposure Data Cement and Concrete Composites, 126 104329, 13 p.

Thermomechanical Beneficiation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) "Construction and Building Materials, 310 125200, 10 p."

Sustainable Materials for 3D Concrete Printing Cement and Concrete Composites, 122, 104156; 14 p. (2021).

High-Performance Cementitious Grout with Fly Ash for Corrosion Protection of Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures Construction and Building Materials, 281, 122612 (2021).

DOI: 122612

Effect of Test Methods on Corrosion Phenomena of Steel in Highly Resistive Concrete Systems and Data Interpretations CORROSION, 77 (4), pp. 445–459.

On the Structural Design of Textile Reinforced Concrete Prof. Intnl. Conf. on Cement-Based Materials Tailored for a Sustainable Future (online, Istanbul, Turkey), Eds. N. Özyurt Zihnioğlu, H. Nuri Atahan, Z. Başaran Bundur, Ö. Şengül and A. Özbora Tarhan, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, pp. 45-54 (2021).

Environmental Impact of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Manufacturing: An Indian Case Study 75th RILEM Week, International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures, Merida, Mexico, Aug 2021

Performance Evaluation of Automated Construction Processes Built Environment Project and Asset Management, 2021

A Hierarchical Machine Learning Framework for Identification of Automated Construction Operations Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 26, pp. 591–623 2021.

Seamless Integration of Site Data into Planning and Monitoring of Construction Projects In Proceedings of the Indian Lean Construction Conference, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, December 01–04, 2021 pp. 529-537

A Case Based Reasoning Approach for Selecting Appropriate Construction Automation Method In Proceedings of 38th ISARC, Dubai, UAE, Nov, 2021, pp. 880-885.

Performance evaluation of limestone-calcined clay (LC2) combination as a cement substitute in concrete systems subjected to short-term heat curing Construction and Building Materials Vol. 302 (2021), 124121

A State-of-the-Art Review on Material Selection and Mixture Proportioning Methods for the Sustainable Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE

Utilization of alternative aggregates for roller compacted concrete pavements–A state-of-the-art review Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier. Vol. 317